
Don't know if it is or isn't, but for me personally, any mention of energy in any context makes me balk. I usually don’t get any helpful description out of it, since I generally don’t think of things with that sort of a lense.

I currently type myself as SX-last but only because of the distinctions I learned about, for instance... energy manipulation (and I have certainly met people who DO do this), need for excitement, it seems like, and perhaps novelty-seeking. Like maybe they tend to complain about things getting old, boring, needing to be revitalized or ignored for something else. I actually think all of these are rather sexually related as well, though maybe not necessarily.

A lot of sources say that SX is about intimacy and connection to singular others, whether platonic or romantic. But as an SX last person, I strongly relate with that. And I hate groups in general, group involvement, etc. So I disagree. That can't be SX... I strongly suspect, at least. Most of SO descriptions I also relate to the absolute least. And I tend to relate to descriptions of SO last people. Frankly, I think SO and SX are hugely confused for each other and maybe just for unrelated factors altogether.

In case it's helpful, I'm also ISTJ and type 6 – phobic, I 100% admit and identify as, kind of proudly to be honest since I have difficulty seeing the point of being counterphobic. I actually think the Fe function in the 16 types/MBTI is related to groups and wanting to "go with the flow" of what others are doing in order to get accepted/included, make everyone happy, etc. And as ISTJ, I have Fe-blind. I don’t relate to that sentiment basically at all. Which is not any surprise to myself at least; Te just seems so inept when it comes to being NICE and getting along with others WITHOUT saying things others find difficult to hear. IMO.

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