Ermie (not verified)says...

The more I read on the descriptions the more I have to question if I use Ne or Ni or Se or Si not so much if I'm using my brain because everyone uses their brain lol. Ne is a more actively descriptive function which can follow and verbalize episodically the abstract experience. Ni on the other hand is not descriptive due to it being nebulous in nature working subconciously then sparking with inexplicable moments of clarity. Se is more graceful, confident and aggressive physically always seeking novelty where Si is more cautious, contextual and has an internal cognizance of being and seeks the safety of tradition. Both ISFP and INFP have a great appreciation of the purity of unadulterated feelings in animals and children through dominant Fi values and a desire for efficiency which is not always made manifest because of their inferior Te function. ISFPs and INFPs are both fairly "intuitive" when it comes to artistic expression which is why I think it is very hard for an ISFP or and INFP to know the difference. I think ISFP is more pure in their expression of feelings of sight and sound in their grasp of the completeness of what they are experiencing. On the other hand INFPs are more searching in their expression of amorphous so they focus more on the journey. ISFP when seeking deeper within will tap more into their Fi-Ni flow which will feel more mystical before it is made known externally through Se (think of Enya music). INFP will likewise will loop their Fi-Si into a need for security in a cozy narrative giving them assurance that all is well before Ne spins them out of control (which is why you will see INFPs saying "Om" or engaging in Yoga to help them calm down). The tertiary is the safety net of the 4 cognitive functions and is often overlooked.

This is what I've gleaned from my research so far. Perhaps this might be of help for some of you.

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