EKD (not verified)says...

I want to add a point that I recently came across about growing up with a critical parent who makes him or herself feel "bigger" by subtle or not-so-subtle put downs of their children. Often it can be from a mother to daughter because of latent jealousy issues. Women are extremely competitive with one another, but it's pushed underground because of societal programming. So when it comes to the surface-- ouch! When I realized at 67, that my mother had continually undermined every success of mine with dismissive comments, while also using me to burnish her own image as a mother with her church and friends, I saw inside my complete confusion as to why I never felt I could "succeed." Look up Mother daughter jealousy and there's a great article on Psychology Today. So, this gets perpetuated through generations and then women do it to one another to give themselves little dopamine hits throughout their day-- "friends" who dismiss and use you and you wonder what the hell you did to deserve this? Consider generational patterns and the desire that seems hard baked into humans to compare and to lift themselves "above" others. BTW-- thanks for this blog! We intuitives need a lot of support from each other in this world. I sincerely doubt many Sensors would be thrilled to have their Intuitive hand them an article saying, "Hey, here's how you can talk to me!" I laugh at the thought.

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