Legit (not verified)says...

I have never thought that INTJ sounds like a great thing to be. I think of myself as far more wild and outgoing and chill than the traits abscribed to INTJ.

But from professional tests to online tests, I always am typed as INTJ!

Taking the test on Truity I imagined the test would finally yield different results as some of the questions are fresh and not the same ole same ole.

Nope, INTJ all the way.

I think a huge pet peeve of mine is all the clearly faux INTJ people out there.

One example is LiJo on YouTube. She has cornered the market on INTJ vids.

She was very combative when I pointed out the many gaps in her presentation as an INTJ.

I can't even hang out of the reddit INTJ because it's comprised of teens who label themselves INTJ as to seem like tortured loners.

Quite annoying.

Thanks for this very helpful article.

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