Kaitlin Jack (not verified)says...

Wow. Everything I didn't evenknowI needed to hear said at the perfect time. I am a sensitive and highly ambitious INFJ through and through and this article resonates with me deeply. I just turned 18 and I've been having a serious dilema (classic quarter life crisis?) in choosing the career path I wish to pursue. I've been struggling to figure out how in the world I'm ever going to manage to find a career that is in a field I find interesting (psychology, neuroscience, biology, and the performing arts are all lifelong passions of mine), involves fulfilling work (entrepreneurship, writing, counselling, research, and/or humanitarian work are all things I would love), but also pays the bills. All while my parents don't understand why I can't just "get a decent job that pays well." You have no idea how comforting and relieving it is to simply know that there is someone else out there in the world who thinks the same way that I do. Thank you for your words!

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