About the Author

Jayne is a B2B tech copywriter and the editorial director here at Truity. When she’s not writing to a deadline, she’s geeking out about personality psychology and conspiracy theories. Jayne is a true ambivert, barely an INTJ, and an Enneagram One. She lives with her husband and daughters in the UK. Find Jayne atWhite Rose Copywriting.

How to Manage People Who Do Not Want to be Managed

Clinically Reviewed bySteven Melendy, PsyD.2018年10月16日

The role of the manager is not to change the personalities of her employees to fit into a mold. But inevitably, you will be tasked with managing personalities who are just plain difficult. From the guy with the huge ego who thinks he knows more than you do to the talented loner who refuses to collaborate, some people do not want to be managed - and they may respond poorly to your efforts to do so.

How to react? By adopting one of the responses below.

10 Reasons Why Everyone Should Have a Rational Friend

Clinically Reviewed bySteven Melendy, PsyD.on October 15, 2018

If you have the opportunity to be friends with a Rational personality type, you are so lucky! Intuitive-Thinkers are the type of friends who will stay up late with you dissecting the meaning of life, motivate you to improve yourself, keep every one of your secrets, never sweat the small stuff and give back exactly what you invest. If you are loyal to a Rational, they will be your best friend for life.

Maybe you don't already have a Rational friend. If not, you're missing out. Here's why:


7 Ways to Alienate An Intuitive Employee

Clinically Reviewed bySteven Melendy, PsyD.on October 10, 2018

Picture this: you've built a successful company from the ground up with dozens—maybe hundreds—of employees. But you are dissatisfied with how your staff are working. You're paying them well, and they all have terrific skills, but they just don't seem to be as dedicated, or as loyal, or as happy as you need them to be. What's going on?

How to Figure Out if Conflict is Due to Personality...or Something Else

Clinically Reviewed bySteven Melendy, PsyD.on October 02, 2018

Every workplace suffers conflict; it's unavoidable. And this being a personality blog, we spend a lot of time blaming it on personality clashes. It's comforting to think that all we have to do to stop conflict is take a personality test, recognize each other's quirks and foibles, and make sure certain people never work together. Analyzed through the personality lens, workplace conflict doesn't seem like a big deal at all.

Ranking the Briggs-Myers Personality Types By Who's the Most Addicted to Taking Risks

Clinically Reviewed bySteven Melendy, PsyD.on October 01, 2018

Hands up if you read this title and immediately answered, "ESTP!" I know I did. These types are renowned for being high-adrenaline risk takers who live life in the fast lane. If there is a type that's the most likely to zoom down the face of an active volcano on a plank of reinforced plywood, it's surely thebob体育赞助阿森纳 .

7 Myths About Intuitives - Debunked

Clinically Reviewed bySteven Melendy, PsyD.on September 24, 2018

When you're super creative and inventive, must you always be anIntuitivein the parlance ofMyers and Briggs? Does seeing the big picture mean you're too abstract to survive in the real world? And if there were no Intuitives, would we really still be using stone tools?

We have separated the wheat from the chaff and identified some classic "N vs S" hogwash so you don't have to. Here are seven pesky myths about Intuition debunked.

Top 3 Reasons Why There’s Anger in Your Team (And How to Prevent It)

Clinically Reviewed bySteven Melendy, PsyD.on September 18, 2018

Picture this: you walk into the office one morning and there's already a heated conversation going on. Brandon is berating Donna for not responding to his emails and causing him to miss an important deadline. Donna is furious with Brandon because she thinks his criticism is unfair– she has been snowed under with other commitments and helping Brandon did not feature highly on her list of priorities. She's upset that he's shouting at her in such an insensitive way.

5 Techniques to Help Your Sensing Employees See the Big Picture

Clinically Reviewed bySteven Melendy, PsyD.on September 05, 2018

We all know of those all-hands sessions where senior management announces the big, corporate goals that will determine the next few months and years. For some, it's energizing to hear about the great vision the organization has set for itself. Everyone should feel like they are contributing to the success of the business, and some personalities– notably Intuitives – get a real buzz when they feel part of something big.

How to Get the Best From Your Perceiving Employees

Clinically Reviewed bySteven Melendy, PsyD.on September 04, 2018

People with a Perceiving preference– that's the "P" in their Briggs and Myers four-letter personality code – are spontaneous and adaptable workers. These types thrive in dynamic and ever-changing environments and may seek out employers that offer flexible working arrangements so they can remain wide open to schedule changes. If you need quick-thinking people who can respond resourcefully to changing situations, it pays to get a "P" or two on your team.

Who Needs a Relationship to be Happy? (These Personalities Might)

Clinically Reviewed bySteven Melendy, PsyD.on September 03, 2018

Are you good at being single? Do you feel that being in a relationship is great and all, but shock, horror! It's not the purpose of your existence. You'd much rather wait for the right person than date someone who isn't really compatible just for the built-in security of being in a couple.

Or do you find it difficult to be on your own? Are you forever lowering your expectations for what you want in a partner just so you can have a special person in your life? Do you fall hard and fast and leave a first date thinking you've met your soulmateevery single time?


Myers-Briggs® and MBTI® are registered trademarks of the MBTI Trust, Inc., which has no affiliation with this site. Truity offers a freepersonality testbased on Myers and Briggs' types, but does not offer the official MBTI® assessment. For more information on the Myers Briggs Type Indicator® assessment, please gohere.

The Five Love Languages® is a registered trademark of The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, which has no affiliation with this site. You can find more information about the five love languageshere.

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